Thursday, December 15, 2011

The Moms Group of Monticello-Celebrating the Holidays at HOME

Today was my Moms Group annual Holiday party. The tables were set...
The most amazing food was prepared

( look....I made this!!!!)

Rediculously creative drinks were served.

20 amazing wifes, mothers, and women gathered today to celebrate our friendships and motherhood-together. We ateand then we learned how to make beautiful beaded bracelets for ourselves with the guidance of our much loved member, Lori.

It was so much fun to see mommies working independently on a project for themselves without interruption and during the daylight hours. We talked while we worked.

There were a dozen different types of beads. here are a few I chose.

While some worked, others passed around one of our newest members...Baby Emily ( SO sweet)

It was so lovely to be able to gather together in Kim's home and chat and catch up and laugh and be together before our own family Christmases.

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