The kids were bored. Brian was still not home from his evening bike ride with a friend. The kids wanted me to entertain them and I needed to clean. My sweet 5-year-old says to me, "if you can't play with us, can we atleast look through our keepsake boxes?"
DONE! He knows how to get me! They each got to peek in their boxes a few months ago to look at their baptism blankets when their cousin was baptized but we didn't sort through anything. The kids have been anxious to see what's inside.
So, we very carefully took each item out of each box, one at a time, and I explained what it was and why I was keeping it. THEY LOVED IT! They devoured the information, wanted to touch everything and talk about it. It was pretty sweet.
Alaric checks out his baby handprint that used to be on his wall.

His going home from the hospital outfit- which he was SWIMMING IN he was so tiny!

Lots of stuff....blankets, clothes, favorite books, cards, hats, etc.

The toy Alaric gave Amara on the day she was born.

Her coming home from the hospital outfit

Outfits, blankets, personalized burp cloths, handprints, etc.

We worked together to carefully fold each item and put it back in the box and then stored them away. Sadly, both of their boxes are almost full. I wonder how many each will have when they finally leave the house in 20 years!
It was a special moment for all of us. I look forward to many more trips down memory lane over the years as my babies grow and collect and reflect!
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