Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Good Stuff- A health update AND Baby Jack

Well, first and foremost- I must say I am posting specifically for my Auntie Doris, a former nurse, who is lovingly concerned about all our family's health and well being and needs to be IN THE KNOW about what our progress and health updates are. Thanks Auntie Doris- we love you. And thanks to Bev and Liz for being Blog Followers!!

Most importantly- Baby Jack is doing great! He is a week old today and doing really well. He got to move to a step down NICU nursery for babies who are not as critical. It's a calm enviroment with not as many alarms and bells and whistles and he and mommy and daddy are happy there. He's no longer in a warming bed but a big boy crib ( it actually is this cute little white crib) and because of that, he gets to wear sweet little sleepers! He still has a feeding tube and is practicing everyday with the breast and the bottle to master the eating thing but he gets tuckered out easily. Dan and Jen are managing the NICU parenting lifestyle as best as possible with a 4 year old at home and I'm so proud of them for how well they've kept it together. keep all of the Bechtels in your prayers so Jack Rollins can come home soon ( so I can hold him!!!!)

I'm doing pretty great too! My mouth has been feeling better and better and while I still have some burning issues- it's not everyday, it's not all day and its managable. My lips are chapped still but not painful and through this all, I'm kicking my chap-aid addiction as well. I don't know if my progress is because of all the vitamins or just because my "flare up" is over with but I'll take it!

I had my follow-up with my amazing doctor, Dr. Marty last night. She's so wonderful! She was pleased with my progress and thought my lips and mouth looked pretty good. We both agreed that actual consistancy or "integrity" of the lips is different now and it's hard to know if that will be forever or just while my body is still healing.

My blood work for my last lap came back-Vitamin B6. ....hmmmm...the average range is 2-21, with most falling around 10. Mine was a 30. A 30! Dr. Marty admitted that never, ever had she ever seen a B6 that high- low, very common. High- very rare. So rare- she didn't even know what to tell me. Right in front of me she headed to the computer to do some research on a few medical databases. Unfortunately, they didn't have anything about high B6 either. She encouraged me to google it myself and see what the mainstream world had to say about it. She did however think it was nothing to be concerned about yet. She did advice me to go off of the B COmplex suppliment I was taking as I don't need anymore 6. Instead, I'll start a Sublingual ( melts under your tongue) B12-250 mg a day to deal with that fairly low deficiency.

Everything else stays the same- High dose of D, B12, Probiotics, and Fish Oil. Re-do all labs in January.

Hang tight-be aware of my body and changes-let her know of anything that is uncomfortable or unmanagable.

I'm a medical mystery but for now- I'm OK. Here's the sweet conversation I had with Alaric yesterday as I was getting ready to go to the doctor. It made me realize how my health so directly affected he and Mara and how we so easily take our health for granted.

Alaric: Why are you going to the doctor again

Me: for her to check and see if I'm doing better

Alaric: are you doing better?

Me: I think so. I feel better

Alaric: I think so too-you don't cry everyday like you used to

Heartbreaking but true. Thanks so much for all your prayers. I'll keep you updated!


Alicia said...


Rachel said...

So good to hear!

The Buehnerkemper Family said...

So glad to hear Jack Rollins is doing better! Thank God! I'm so glad you're feeling better too! Thanks for the update!