Tuesday, September 14, 2010

No news is NOT good news!

It's 6:20PM, we just got home and we know NOTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Poor Brian.

The endoscope and colonoscopy all went very well and looked fine- nothing was out of the ordinary and he looked to have a nice GI track. While that might be reasurring to some and we are relieved there is no mass or anything serious there, we are left with alot of unknowns and it's frustrating, its scary, and its really hard to deal with. The not knowing is the worst!

There were no polups and no diverticulitis ( which run in Brian's family)

There were no ulcers or gastritus ( which is what the ER doctor thought it was)

We asked, because of the history of Celiac's disease in Brian's family to do a stomach biopsy and they did it- we'll know in a week or so.

The doctor was nice but was a bit perplexed by the situation as well. Brian was very out of it after the proceedure so the doctor came to talk to me. My heart actually sunk when he said they found nothing. All I could picture was Brian and the very intense pain he's been in for weeks and what he would do with no answers.

Here's the plan...they've scheduled a Cat Scan for the next couple of days. Because Brian's pain is not only in one area, the doc wants to get a closer look at the bigger picture, the organs that surround the GI track. He wants to pay close attention to see if there are any concerns in the Liver or kidneys that could perhaps be showing symtoms that appear to be in the GI system. If the CT points us in a new direction, we go there. if not and the CT all looks normal, our plan B is to go back and do another endoscope. This one would go down the throat and into the small intensines. Intead of staying on the GI track, it would actually go into the bile duct and pancreas area. The scope would allow the doctor to see if the bile ducts have any stones in them. If so, he can remove on the spot. If not, he can get a good look at the sphyncter of the pancreas as well. Many people who have had their Gall Bladders removed like Brian can experience all sorts of other problems in the area where the bile ducts connected to the gall bladder or where the ducts now connect to the pancreas. Depending on what they see, they might be able to treat a problem or refer him.

The proceedure into the pancreas area is much more invasive and with that, more risky. There are much higher chances of pancreatitis, which can be very serious. Doc only wants to do it if he absolutely needs to.

I told the doctor that we were very concerned and he couldn't go another few weeks like the last few weeks had been. He assured us that he wants to move quickly with this...having the CT in the next few days or at the very latest next Monday and then having the scope, if needed, mid week next week.

Brian was starving after not eating for 30 hours so we headed to Olive Garden for never ending pasta bowl and now he's home and passed out in his chair ( the "preparing" was exhausting yesterday and he got very little sleep).

Please continue to pray for Brian and hope he has some relief soon.

I am happy that there is nothing terribly serious in his intestines but I feel truly deflated to again be weeks into a health crisis with no answers. My heart breaks for Brian and really, we are just tired. Tired of this all-physically and emotionally.

Thankyou for your texts, voicemails,and e-mails- they mean alot to us!

1 comment:

The Buehnerkemper Family said...

How frustrating not to get any answers! I'm sorry your left not knowing once again... I hope & pray you get answers soon & that the doctors do follow up quickly! Thinking of you guys!