Thursday, November 12, 2009

The "Race" to get the leaves raked!

When Alaric heard we were participating in a "race" he asked to participate with us. He was very sad that it was for adults only. The compromise? I RACE down Charter Street, of course! So- yesterday after naptime, we all headed outside for the big race between Daddy and Alaric.

HEre they are OFF ( check out Mara with our neighbor, katlyn too)

The other neighbors served as the finish line with LOTS of cheering and yelling! Can you believe Alaric won-wow, he's a speed demon!!
Then straight into the backyard to get moving on these leaves. The kids will be SO sad when they are all gone. It's instant fun for them ( and me too!!)
Our bag total is 43. We probably have about5 more bagloads in the backyard. We have atleast 15 probably in the sideyard but we might get lazy and mulch those. We'll see!
It may have been chilly yesterday but we are taking ever chance we can get to be outside enjoying the fall days before we are trapped inside this winter!

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