Tuesday, November 10, 2009

My Wife

For those of you who are regular blog viewers, you know that Katie does all of the work for this blog. However, I thought that I should take this time to make a little announcement about my wife.
As many of you know, and some of you will soon know, having children can be very difficult. Kids have an incredible ability to occupy your time and attention, they can be a source of frustration, and they serve as a mirror in which you can view many of your own personal faults. Kids are also entertaining, rewarding, and serve as a mirror in which you can see your own personal triumphs. When Katie and I decided to have Katie stay home after the birth of Amara, we both knew that our decision was going to lead to some difficulties, but they would all be worth it to have our children raised in their home by their mother.

During what has turned out be our incredibly busy lives, I have not taken enough time to say what an absolutely amazing job my wife is doing as a stay-at-home mom. Any of you that have met Alaric and Amara, know what intelligent, polite, and happy children we have. All of that is due to Katie. Alaric has a vocabulary that far exceeds many of today's high schoolers; Amara has a smile and laugh that leaves her in stiches. All because fo Katie. Our children run, play, laugh with an enthusiasm many of us could only hope for. And I know that it is all because of my wife, Katie.

Not only does Katie spend time teaching and raising our children, but she does an amazing job keeping up this house. She cleans the house, she does the laundry, and she rakes the leaves. She is the keeper of our social calendar; making sure that I get to where I am supposed to be, when I am supposed to be. My efforts to assist pale in comparison to the work that my wife does every single day to keep this family moving.

When she is not raising our children or caring for our home, Katie is volunteering for her fraternity, or church, or Alaric's preschool. She runs 3 times week. She keeps an amazing blog. And she is a great friend to so many of the people in her life.

Again, I just do not say it enough...

You are amazing as a wife, a mother, and a best friend. I could not do what you do, even if I was given 30 hours in a day. I love you more each and every day.

Your loving Husband,



Heather said...

That is so sweet and loving Brian! What a wonderful and romantic surprise post! You both are incredible people and are raising smart children. Be proud of each other and the excellent jobs you both do in raising a family and continuing to be a loving couple...

Mira said...

wow, I am teary eyed reading this. I can only hope for this kind of love, respect, and admiration in a marriage and family. Love you guys.

The Buehnerkemper Family said...

OMG!!!! How sweet!!! Every word he said is true!!! You deserve a great posting like this & how great of him to think to do that!!! What a great husband!!!

Rachel said...

I can't stop the tears. Bri, that was such an amazing and well-deserved post. I have added respect for stay at home moms after watching Evan full time for a week...it is NOT easy. You're not "at home." You are constantly at those kids beck and call. Katie, you are a wonderful mother, friend and wife. What a blessing to have such a husband who loves and appreciates all you do everyday. Love you guys!

Jenny Murray said...

I am so proud of you Brian for recognizing what an incredible woman your wife is and publicly acknowleging her wonderfulness. I love your amazing family to pieces and can't get through this damn blog without crying...ever.