We rushed home from the game, got the kids into their costumes, and began our night!
Here is Brian's pumpkin throwing up and Amara's pumpkin with the little bow!

My traditional pumpkin and Alaric's scary screaming pumpkin

Stella, Sarah, and Sylvia Miller- our neighbors

We headed over to Jack and June's house to get special neighborhood treatbags from Jack, June, and Mary. Jack was in charge of distribution.

The Fultons, Millers, and Offenbacks hit up all the neighbors- especially our spooky, siding free neighbors next door.

Mara and me make our rounds down State Street

Our pumpkins were beautiful all lit up!

We closed up our house and headed to our friend's house, the Buehnerkemper's for a Halloween party. They live in one of those most kid-populated neighborhoods so they host a party each year to serve as Headquarters while kids go out in the neighborhood. We were already done with the treats so we came just to hang out.
Amara loves all of Nolan and Tanner's toys!

Tanner came home from trick or treating and gave a special treat to his favorite little lady!

Brian and Sean check Illini stats from the game. We spent the next few hours eating snacks, hanging out, watching the kids play and trying to tire the kids out!

Kelton made the best Buzz!

You can't see it here but Nolan was Mickey Mouse- what fun!

To get the kids calmed down, we put on Monster's vs. Aliens Halloween movie- the kids loved it!

Jammies came out and Alaric and Emmie played doctor

We stayed out well after the kids should have been in bed to try and beat the daylight savings. We had so much fun and just loved seeing our kids and our friends together for all the different events!
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