Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Monticello Celebration

Today was the Monticello Celebration and it was our first time ever going with kids-we had so much fun together as a family.

HEre Alaric and I are playing Plinko to win books and prizes!

Then we went to visit the firetruck!

Mara loved getting a balloon all of her own!
Alaric tried to get three ball in a row.
Mara does a walk for prizes- her number was called- imagine that!

The bounce house was by far AMara's favorite. She could have jumped for hours. We did it two times and both times I had to drag her out screaming!
Alaric peaks through to Daddy

Alaric makes GOO at The Moms Group Activity- a big hit!
Then we had lunch from food vendors on the Courthouse lawn, headed home for naps, and get ready for another exciting night!

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