Sunday, September 11, 2011

Rachel Comes to Visit

My best friend Rachel came to visit this weekend. Friday night we spent talking and catching up and drinking wine.

Saturday started at Al's soccer game.
Handsome dudes!

Then we headed straight to the Illini Game with the kids. We always sit with Grammy & Papa!

The kids were amazing and it was so much fun!During halftime we headed to the corridors along the outside.

We ran and played and talked.

Then we headed back to Monticello and went to Allerton Park and Mansion. Although we now don't have the means to get inside, Brian knows so much about Robert Allerton and the grounds. Rachel loved listening to Brian talk about the history and Brian love LOVED sharing.

Back out to Sunsinger where the kids became him todayand as they ran around and around, Rach put her hand up to accept a toll to get kiss!


Next to our favorite Mexican restaurant for food and drinks

and a final kitchen dance pary before bed.

Phew! We were so tired but had a blast. The kids love their Aunt Rachel!

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