Shocking News! I’m
not perfect! I know, I know….at first I
too couldn’t believe it. No really. I
was trying. And when you find out you aren’t going to ever achieve what you are
trying for is shocking. I may not have actually been trying to be perfect but I
was trying desperately hard to be pretty great most of the time. And what I’m learning is that I’m pretty
great no matter what- even on my worst days, I’m OK.
I was asked to serve on a launch team for a book by one of
my favorite mommy authors, Jill Savage (read the blog post before this for my
connection to Jill). I was
overjoyed! I knew she was writing this
new book, No More Perfect Moms, and anything Jill Savage writes is amazing so I
wanted to be on her team-I applied!
And…in my non-perfect world, I got word I would be on the launch team
and have the opportunity to spread the word, blog, talk to moms, and yell from
the rooftops just a day before my foot surgery.
A surgery I had been planning for months. This surgery had me up all
night, many a nights trying to get things “perfectly” prepared for Advent and
Christmas and traveling and cleaning, etc.
am I possibly even going to stay awake long enough to read my advanced copy of
the book much less blog and chat and talk and promote this book?” I wondered
over and over.
I felt frustrated. I
felt anxious. And then I realized…late
the night before my surgery as I folded the last piece of laundry and wiped the
last counter and laid out my kids’ outfits for the morning, that this was what
Brian and I had talked numerous times over the weeks before
surgery about how things would be. I
would be unable to walk for weeks. Unable to move any further than the bathroom
for days. I would be drugged and tired
and unable to DO anything…all just days before Christmas. Brian said to me more than once ( OK, dozens
of times), “It will all get done. It
will even be done well. It just won’t
necessarily be done your way. And you
are going to have to be OK with that.”
And really, I was.
While there were a few times of frustration and tears as I
worked through the pain and the missing out on the special Christmas crafts and
activities, I realized they were replaced with even sweeter moments I never
would have had….snuggling in bed with my kids before school, taking an
afternoon nap with my 4 year old, holding each other on the couch while we
watched movies all day, reading book after book with my kids between pain
killers and cat naps, having special
moments with my husband while he had to bathe me and dress me and my wounds, ACCEPTING
help from friends and receiving meals, allowing people to take my kids , and
run errands and check on me. It was
really wonderful. It wasn’t the PERFECTLY
PERFECT Christmas week I was used to…but it became something even better, precious and priceless!
I did get to pick up that book I was supposed to read. It wasn’t on the timeline I wanted. Not when I had hoped in order to launch it
and do it justice all through the month of December and January. But I opened it. I stayed awake. I devoured it. You know a
book is powerful when you don’t even get past the introduction and you are
already in tears. Tears of joy. Of understanding. Of mommy-love. Each word I read resonated with my soul. It sang to me. Helped me remember to hold on to the precious
and priceless moments, not try to make them perfect.
I’m not the perfect mom.
I don’t have the perfect kids. My
husband isn’t perfect and neither is our relationship. My body isn’t perfect and neither is my
mind. My house isn’t perfect
either. As I turn pages in this powerful
book, No More Perfect Moms, I have the pleasure of reflecting on my perfectly
imperfect world. The one I wouldn’t
trade for anything. The one I love more
and more each day, especially as I learn more and more about who I am.
Each of you should read this book. If you are a mom and you struggle with your
journey through motherhood, I assure you this book with speak to you. And this week is the perfect week to buy
it. From February 3rd-9th, you can buy the book and receive more than
$100 in freebies. Please check out the
information at www.hearts-at-home.org .
This week I will blog each day about my imperfect
world. You won’t see those perfect craft
projects and themed dinners and teachable moments I have but get to edit for
this blog before publishing. Instead
you’ll hear about how I’m a real mom. A
real woman. A real wife. An imperfect
one. Won’t you join me each day and help
me celebrate this amazing journey through motherhood?
1 comment:
You are an amazing mother even if imperfect. I want to be a mom like you.
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