It’s the end of another beautiful day. I carefully open the door to my children’s shared bedroom and tiptoe across the carpet. I know they won’t hear me, they are fast asleep. My son is snuggled up tight, blankie in hand. My daughter is turned completely around in her bed, head at the opposite end. She’s spread completely out and deep into her dreams. Today was special. A day mommies dream of… my children’s minds and bodies were nourished. They learned lessons. They laughed. They played outside. And I was not only there with them but truly WITH THEM. I was part of their day. I walk over to each bed and tuck them in and re-arrange. I pray over them and reflect on the blessings of the day. A lump forms in my throat. I am happy.
I love my children so
much some days it hurts. I was meant to be a mother. It came naturally to me and the moment my
second child arrives…literally the moment Brian (who delivered Sweet Amara) was
put in my arms, I knew my family was complete.
It’s exactly what I dreamed of.

I’ve known I wanted to be a mom for as long as I can
remember. Most pictures from my
childhood have me holding a doll. Most
memories of my childhood dreams all involve working with children. What do you want to be when you grow up?
I’m so blessed to tell you I’ve done, and am still doing
I see my children as a gift from God. I have the opportunity to raise, with my
husband, competent people in society. To
give them unconditional love, Grace, and values they will carry with them for a
lifetime. Motherhood is a joy and It’s
exactly what I wanted for my life.
All of the above is true…every last word of it. Really!
It all sounds lovely. Beautiful
really. And much of the time it is. Some
days as I walk out of their room at the end of the night, I know I did it all
today and did it great. I was everything
to everybody and I made it work. I could be The Mom of the Year. But motherhood isn’t all sunshine and
happiness. Some days suck. Really suck.
Like super shitty. SO bad that
I’ve lost my Mom of the Year award before 6:15 am and sometimes my kids aren’t
even up yet.
That’s the thing about motherhood. There is good, there is
bad. There is ugly! I’m grateful I get
to start fresh each day. Start
over. So grateful and desperate for that
restart button, I’ve actually turned the clocks forward in my house so I can
get the day over faster, get the kids down sooner, and put myself to bed ( try
it- really!).
While many days my kids are really pretty good and most of
the time I’m a pretty good mom, I would never ever ever describe them or myself
as perfect. How could I possibly?
My kids whine and fuss and throw tantrums, at home and in
public. They fart and poop and
belch. They are wimps and annoying and
often make weird noises. They are unable
to sit still, even when I sit on top of them.
They cry. They manipulate. They frustrate. They go to daddy when I say
no. They They They….Then there’s me:
I scream. Sometimes
really loud and sometimes often during a day.
Sometimes I scream at no one in particular and other times I look right
in the eyes of one of my babies and let it rip. Most times I apologize and feel
terrible right away and do all I can to make it right. Sometimes, I don’t apologize at all…I needed
to scream and I feel better than I did before.
I don’t have enough energy to even get dressed. Because I am not a very tidy person (you’ll hear
about that in a later post this week), I can not seem to get anything
accomplished when my kids are awake.
That means going to bed late and waking super early ( the alarm clock
has been set for 4am for the past 3 years).
There are days I don’t want to do anything. I want to stay in my warm jammies and sleep
the day away. Some days I have to drag
myself out of bed and force myself to put clothes on. I don’t want to be a mom today. I want to be a college student who can skip
class and nap once or even twice and watch The Wedding Story and Golden Girl
reruns and each pizza. Somedays, I live
vicariously through my children and I let them stay in jammies. We’ve even run errands to the store with them
in their PJ’s because I cannot even muster the energy or strength to get them
ready and myself too ( don’t tell my husband).
My husband is a cook, was a cook and chef for more than a
dozen years. He’s a foodie. I am not.
While I LOVE a gourmet meal, I’m also pretty content with pasta with
butter and parm or some chips and a diet coke for dinner. When he’s away, we almost always have PB
& J or cereal for dinner,even on
the days I have plenty of time to prepare and cook.
I hate bathing my kids.
One of my kids is fully functioning on his own but I still have one who
needs help. She adores bath night. I despise it.
Not sure why but anytime I can let those kids go a day longer in between
makes me happy….and lets not even talk about summer and how chlorinated pools
count for cleanliness!
I believe in giving the children the training and skills and
patience and guidance to do most tasks for themselves. Most days I’m good at this. But somedays, I can’t handle how long it takes
to put one sock and one shoe on, or even find socks and shoes. Who cares if they match. Watching them brush their teeth or do their
dishes can put me over my limit. I do it
for them. I snap that sock or shoe or
brush or cup out of their hand and I do it for them. Just because it’s faster and easier.
When my kids whine or fuss or just can’t stop talking, I
feel like screaming at the top of my lungs, “SHUT THE $%@! UP!” I’ve never done
it but because sometimes I’m a screamer, I worry I’ll do it someday. A talker
myself, I should be able to relate, however somedays I can’t believe how there
is never a moment of silence.
I judge. You. And your kids. I try to be kind. I try to give people the benefit of the
doubt, Lord knows I want them to do the same for me. But I find myself angry by the behavior and
actions of other kids or parents. I even
dwell on it sometimes.
I’m so sick of potty training. When I find out friends potty
trained their kids in 2 or 3 days, I’m pissed.
Actually mad. At them. At their kid.
Mostly at myself. It all stems
from jealousy. Both of my kids have
intestinal issues. For the past 4 years
straight I have touched, wiped, and cleaned more poop in undies, not diapers
than I hope anyone else has to in their lifetime. I’ve prayed to God, read books, lots of
bribery, and used every technique under the Sun to try and move the process
along faster and help my children through their issues but it seems to just be
a Fulton child thing to take years to master this skill.
When I was nursing my babies, I sometimes would drink a beer
or a glass of wine. Sometimes
before…sometimes even during. In the
hopes it would make them sleep better or cry quieter. Now, I drink in front of them. Just socially however when I received a 6 way
beer bong ( read about my obsession here) as a gift from my dear friends on the
day of my cancer surgery, I loaded that sucker up right away and asked the
neighbors to come over and partake- in front of my kids. I didn’t and I don’t feel bad about it.
I crave alone time or time away from my kids. I lie to my kids and tell them mommy’s tummy
hurts so I can have 10 minutes in the bathroom alone to myself WITH THE DOOR
CLOSED so I can just sit on the floor and read my Us Weekly.
When their toys or closets get out of control and things
have to go, I just bag stuff up and give it away. When my kid asks for an item weeks or months
later, I play dumb so I don’t get them mad at me.
I’ve considered duct taping a child to the wall and throwing
bouncie balls their way to toughen them up.
I use the TV as a babysitter so I can get things done around
the house or so I can sit and think for more than 2 minutes without being
I worry. I worry what
I do on the good days isn’t enough to outweigh the bad days. I worry my lessons won’t be enough for
them. I worry they will need therapy
someday because of me. I worry they will
be on the show Intervention and they’ll tell everyone on National TV their mom
is crazy.
I’ve been so burned out by motherhood and so tired by days,
I’ve dreamed of running away from it all.
I’ve prayed to God for strength and patience to get though a
day. No, an hour. No, a minute so I don’t
say something I regret.
Parenthood is THE HARDEST job on Earth. Its filled with the highest mountains and the
deepest valleys. And yes, its all worth
As I began reading Jill Savage’s book, No More Perfect Moms,
I began to feel the weight of trying to be perfect lifted from my
shoulders. I’m not going for perfect…I’m
going for as many precious and priceless moments that will give my children
happy memories and a loving home.
Stopping by from NMPM launch team. Parenting is the hardest job on earth. I too yell, use TV as a babysitter, feed my kids hard boiled eggs for lunch. But Jill is right. We want to invest in the people who are precious to us. Honestly, I was a bit worried at the beginning of your post, thinking that you might make me feel very imperfect (always playing that comparison game). Oh and I am not neat either!
Well, said Katie! I do think you are such an amazing Mom.. for all the good things & not so good things! Your kids are so blessed that you are their Mommy!
Great post, Miss Katie! Now when I compare myself to you, my friend, I'll feel the playing field is a little more even thanks to your authenticity. I'm blogging my way through the book, too, but have had a rough week so just have the first post up. It was incredibly hard to publish, but we're keeping it real here as well.
Thank you for that honest post. it is so nice to see that there are other moms that are walking in the same shoes. :)
This made me cry...and made me really scared!!! Excellent post and insight into your days. Love u!!
You are definitely not a perfect mom.
You respect only those with a vagina.
You do not respect those with a penis.
"Foreskin is NOT a birth defect!"
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