Tuesday, December 21, 2010

It's POTTY time!

Today is PJ Day! Nothing to do- nowhere to go! After brushing teeth and changing undies/diapers- we put back ON our PJ's and asked our neighbor Alyssa to come over with her PJ's on and spend the day with us.

Then I decided that today was the day to see how Amara would feel about big girl undies instead of diapers. We never have NO WHERE to go and while this is our only day this week to do it and I wasn't sure how it would g- I decided to try!

She was so excited to put on her first pair of undies and her rubber pants!
We set the alarm for every 20 minutes and I never once made it work. She peed first before we got to the potty or she's pee 2 minutes after we tried and tried. She stayed motivated however ( probably because she got an m&m ever time she tried).

Her dolly got a new potty for Christmas so she kept Mara company in the bathroom!
Amara was great- never once fussing about it until 4 hours later when she fell into a heap on the floor when I asked her to come upstairs and earn an M&M. That meant it was time for a diaper ( no need to stress the girl out). 5 pairs of undies, 4 pairs of pants and a tired little girl later we finished our experiment. I'm proud of her and proud of what we accomplished today- even if she never once actually peed IN the potty!

1 comment:

Wetwilly said...

I like your baby blue plastic baby panties. My mom dressed me the same way.