We got home last night at 10PM exhausted from our trip to Iowa. The kids had to be woken up and were PISSED about it! Lots of screaming, yelling, and crying continued for 20 minutes. No one wanted breakfast. We were running late. Oh, and it was pouring rain!!!!!!!!!!! Needless to say, I was not excited about running in a race this morning. Who would be? This was supposed to be my chance to run by myself and have my kids and hubby cheer me on. This race was Brian and my first ever 5K just one year ago and I really wanted to do it again- the last opportunity to run in a race until the spring.
Lastyear had been wonderful! I wanted to run but I was crabby and cold and the kids were being crappy! Brian on the otherhand was being amazing! He rallied and gave me backrubs and was fired up enough to motivate half the room!
I wore my
RacingHome t-shirt to support Brian and our endless struggles to get fit and stay healthy and I perked up ( can you believe I wore short sleeves and capris in Mid-November).

While we waited for the race, the kids made signs for me!

And noisemakers out of cans and beans ( Brian brought all the supplies in his diaper bag- SO sweet!)

My kids' moods changed by race time and so did I. I set a goal of 32 minutes ( as it was still misting rain and I was tired) and we got moving!
It went well! The kids were placed before mile marker 1 and I loved seeing them- seeing friends along the way is a HUGE motivator. Around mile 1.5, I set my challenges...who was I going to try to beat? by this time, I was with my own flock ( mostly kids and old people as I am slow). I decided I was going to try to beat this lady who was trying to look runner-like in JUST DO IT tights and this 30 something guy in an Illini shirt and shorts..."beat them!" I told myself. "Push it"

Brian's aunt Tammie has a best friend who lives in Mahomet. Seconds before the race started, we saw Karen and some girlfriends. It was so fun for the kids to cheer on someone else they knew too!

Go Mommy!

I hit the 3 mile mark and the guy told me it was 29 minutes 58 seconds. I was shocked. While I knew the course was hilly and not something I am used to and I had been fighting a stitch in my side since the 1st half mile, I was suprised I was going that slow- I run 10 miles a week at that pace and usually I do best at races. "Push it, Katie", I told myself. "GO"

I searched the crowd for my babies. Where were they? Then, all of a sudden, Alaric popped into the street in his raincoat like a little shining star! He yelled, "I love you, Mommy! RUN!" Then I heard Bri yell, "You are doing great, Katie!" Just what I needed. I pushed

And there I went!

I beat Just Do It Chick! I beat Illini Guy! I beat my goal of 32 minutes ( 31:52)

And I did it all will the love and support of my amazing husband and kids! Not bad for a Saturday, before 10AM!
1 comment:
Awesome job Katie - I'd love to cheer you on at one of your next races! Congrats on your accomplishments & for meeting your goals!!! I'm very proud of you!
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