Thursday, August 26, 2010

This week's health update

I'm doing good. After my doctor's appointment last week, we headed to the health food store and bought all my new vitamins and lip products and natural toothpaste and got started! Oddly, the next few days were the worst I had ever had with my mouth and I really struggled, had some depressing moments, and just tried to hold on to hope that things would get better. They have!

While I'm still suffering from weird chapped lips and burning mouth, my mouth sores are getting better and the peeling and cracking and pain has subsided.

My doctor, not her nurse called on Monday with 3 of my 4 blood test results and I got nervous as I didn't think I would hear directly from her. My vitamin B12 results were alittle high but still in the normal range. My Inflammation test was normal therefore taking Rhumetoid Arthritis and Fibromyalgia off the table and really Lichen Planus as well.

My vitamin D was very low- "significantly" as Dr. said. Normal levels are around 100 and mine is 31. She said she was suprised I wasn't feeling worse overall that I am. While the symtoms I am having are not common to normal Vitamin D deficiancy- it all could be related and could be part of the trigger that got this weird auto immune/nerve disorder started.

Anyway- I had started a 5000 unit a day regime already of Vitamin D ( and that was more than the normal 1000 you get at all drug stores). Dr. Marty has decided to put me on a very high dose of vitamin D for 8 weeks- 100,000 units a week. The pharmacies around here don't even make any dose higher than 20,000 so I've been reffered to a very well known Pharmacist in this area that makes his own meds. He's making me a 50,000 unit pill I can take twice a week for 8 weeks and then once a week for 4 more weeks before a recheck in 3 months.

Sadly, the news of a vitamin deficiency made me happy. I just knew something else internally had to be going on and while I understand that this may not be my answer- it allows me to really DO something instead of just treat a condition blindly. Dr. Marty asked me to talk in depth with Doug, my pharmacist about what sort of symptoms he's seen with Vitamin D deficiency and also burning mouth. We'll see what he says.

I'm hanging in there. Some good days some bad. Today I'm good and I'm trying to focus on that. God only gives us what we can handle and I have faith in that.

I have my follow up with Dr. Marty next Tuesday!

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