Sunday, February 19, 2012

Door To Door Scavenger Hunt

February just seems to be the month where we follow through on all the Christmas promises. Brian's gift was to do a Door To Door Scavenger Hunt and today was the day.

I worked for a few weeks on the details and enlisted the help of numerous friends. The rules were simple. Find everything on the list, pay for nothing, and you must not collect anything from our home. The list was filled with almost 50 items. Some just to keep them busy like a sock with a hole in it, a penny from the 1990's, a sugar packet. Others were things to collect for our family night crust, sauce, and cheese, a family movie, a family game, popcorn and butter, etc.

Here they were receiving their clipboards and instructions We started next door at the Smiths! Our "hosts" were all great. They loved helping us search for items on the list. We went to 4 houses collecting tons of items. We still had so much to get. Brian was getting worried....

and then we got to the Goods House and Blake offered shots as soon as we walked in the door. "My Kind of Scavenger Hunt", said Brian. I should have known the night would take a turn different than the one expected....

After shot one ( yes, there were others)

A selection of beers was offered while both kids went running through the house to find their good friends, Rylan and Lauren ( exactly the same age as ours)

While we had a beer, the Goods got to work on our hunt- collecting tons of stuff and checking it off the list.But before you knew it, we had been there for over an hour, down more than two beverages, with happy older kids playing well together and this precious angel entertaining Brian endlessly.

We decided to stay for snacks....and then dinner ( we made the pizza we had collected items for and cleared out the fridge too)...and then dessert. Time flew and 4 hours later, the counter looked like this!

The Scavenger Hunt ended up being two one was collecting and celebrating with friends along the way. Day two was the pizza night ( we made another one), game night, and family movie night with tons of buttered popcorn! It was wonderful and Brian loved it!

Thanks to all who helped make it extra fun for Brian, especially the Goods for letting us invade!

1 comment:

The Buehnerkemper Family said...

That is so funny! Looks like a great time! I might just need to show up at The Good's some time for a "scavenger hunt" looks like a lot of fun!