While Brian was at his best friend, Benji's house is Bloomington, I took the kids to my good friend Kathy's house. It was so great! We had a wonderful time. Lots of kids running around, TONS of amazing food, dads in the basement glued to the TV and the moms standing around in the kitchen! I loved every second of it. Well...not every second as Amara was SUPER high maintenence tonight but this group gets her and we rolled with the punches. I took hardly any pics. You wouldn't know what I did or who was there- it was SO unlike me. Actually, I loved that I really did get some pretty good mom time tonight!
Here are some of the kids sorting through Cora's jewelry box- what fun!

Then I did reach one of my goals by taking a picture of the German family I needed for a project I'm working on.

Oh, then the highlight of the night. Kathy and her husband Brian had a friend come tonight who is staying with them all week doing some training for work. What does he do for a living? Well, he's a FIREFIGHTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And a PARAMEDIC!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH. I thought Alaric was going to fall over he's be so excited. I told Firefighter Patrick to expect a thousand questions but Alaric remained pretty reserved. He assked a few questions but really just wanted to show off to Firefighter Patrick all he knew about firefighting.
Patrick was wonderful and he showed Al his badge. He was super impressed as was I. Look at this sweet face!

Then Alaric and Reagan took a picture with Firefighter Patrick. Here's the amazing part. You all know how pushy I can get. Well, I found out Patrick is a firefighter in Chicago, at the Lincoln Park station. I asked if we could perhaps stop by the next time we were in town visiting. He said "sure" ( probably thinking I never would) and of course I bust out with, "What about March 21st, 22nd, or 23rd" He looked at his calendar and he's actually working on March 21st so he said we could come visit!!! Poor guy, he didn't know that his sweet response to the crazy mom at the Super Bowl party would really mean he's have to show my son the Chicago firetrucks but oh my, he's going to make my son's dreams come true!
And, in pure Alaric fashion, he would not stop talking about Patrick the whole way home, while we got ready for bed and when we prayed. "Dear God, thankyou for Firefighter Patrick and his badge and his big pumper truck" Sweet boy! Thanks Firefighter Patrick!

Thanks Kathy and Brian for hosting us tonight and putting up with the crazy kids and the damage and destruction!
Firefighter Patrick looks cute! Is he single?? Not for me of course!!
Alaric is such a precious soul. His prayer put a little tear in my eye.
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