Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Kings Have Arrived!

Today is Epiphany! The Day the Wise Men arrived from the travels to meet Baby Jesus....the 12 Day in the 12 Days following Christmas...and the official end to the holiday season!

We try to celebrate for teh 12 days following Christmas...enjoying each other, lots of family time, lots of snuggling and sharing stories and memories, and NO taking down of the Christmas decorations. They are for us all to enjoy!

I wanted to do something for Epiphany this year. Last night, I took the kid's Nativity sets they went hunting for on Christmas Eve and put them at their breakfast spots in the kitchen so they could have breakfast with Baby Jesus- thinking maybe the Wisemen got to do so too.
Then I put some of my favorite Nativities on the Dining Room table with a big star and a book about the birth of Christ. When Alaric woke up, he knew something special was going on. We talked about the nativity and the story of Jesus and especially about the Wisemen who traveled many miles just to meet the new King! He calls today "Tiffany"!
THis is my favorite Nativity and Alaric knows he never gets to touch it. But today he did. He pointed out each king, touched their crowns and we guessed what might have been in their packages for Jesus. He said, "I wouldn't want those spices because spices make my tongue hurt"
They both loved their meal with Mary, Joseph, and Jesus. Amara liked to hold her new babydoll, Alicia, and her Jesus!
Did you know Baby Jesus likes orange juice from a bottle?


Mira said...

I've loved reading about all your Christmas traditions! As a Jewish girl I don't know about many of them so it has been enlightening and heartwarming to see you share your values and traditions with your family. Love you Fultons!

Rachel said...

Katie, so proud that you are instilling this on A&A at such a young age. I admire the way you are raising your family. I'm taking notes over here and I fully plan on copying the majority of your ideas!

Jenny Murray said...

I agree with Rach and Mira! I am so glad you are publicly documenting all these traditions. I am going to steal them! Love you all so much and I love that Mara has a doll named Alicia!