Thursday, January 14, 2010

It's the Little Things....

...that really matter. We Fultons do alot ALL the time and are overprogrammed with obsurd amounts of activities that enrich our families lives. I blog about them all the time. I make everything look amazing and perfect because I can, I'm in charge of my blog and that's how I want to remember it. But the truth is, some days suck! The experience was amazing but my kids were terrible. OR my kids were great but the event was just so so.

Amara's been in a funk- a blood boiling screaming, kicking on the floor, sobbing uncontrollably, only wanting to be held, booger and cough kind of funk. Therefore, I too have been in a funk.

Even in the midst of it all, we've had some pretty great moments that are amazing and we didn't do hardly anything at all!

The kids wanted a book while Bri was making dinner. Often times, we sit in front of our space heater and dream that it will magically turn into a fireplace. Both kids were listening, engaged, and loving the story. It was so sweet and special to actually capture the moment.
Today, my once again cold kids, demanded blankets. Instead of putting them on the couch with their blankets, I laid them on the floor and wrapped them up like bean burrittos. They loved it!
And tonight, after a really rough day with Mara, she rallied! She had a monumental event at the dinner table, ate all her food, and got to have pudding for dessert! BIG DAY!
I love my life most days but there are some I often times am thankful to God I get to finish as quick as I can and start fresh the next day. Even in the funky days where I'm all out of sorts, I find such Grace in examining the little things that make me feel complete.


The Buehnerkemper Family said...

You are SUCH an amazing mother, wife & friend... what a wonderful post! Love it!

Rachel said...

Even in the bad days there truly is so much to be grateful for. I can't stop thinking of the families in Haiti who had very little and now have nothing...and the diseases that run rampant. It is so sad. We have so much. Thanks for your post.