6 weeks post surgery and I couldn't be happier with the healing. I am SO sick of the boot and I have to wear it 24/7 for 3 more weeks before starting PT but the incisions look great. Its incredible to look back at those first pics and realize how far I've some. This is the one up on my calf
Tarsel Tunnel and Fascia - the skin on this foot and leg have totally changed and are peely and gross but if you think its cooped up at all times except for showers, I get it
This is the big one. The bunion. Did have a minor setback with my pain when the stitch at the bottom became infected. The rubbing and the weight of the boot on the top of the foot was terrible painful....but after two kinds of antibiotics, I'm golden! I'm really moving the big toe too!
Outside ankle still looks like a cankle and is swollen still but the incision looks great. Doc says the ankle may never look the same.
But all in all, 6 weeks out- I'm looking and feeling great!
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