And then last Thursday, things changed. I was on the phone with a friend, touching my scar ( as I seem to do a thousand times a day). And then I stopped. I froze actually. I stopped talking. What was that? What did I just feel? My fingers ran over the area again and again, each time finding it again. A bump. A lump? No, cant be. Just scar tissue weirdness. I felt again. No, not scar tissue- not even on the scar. A bump. My friend knew something had changed and asked me what was wrong. I said it. I found something. I'm scared. What do I do? I started sweating. My mind racing. My heart pumping. I got off the phone and ran to the mirror. It was there. I could see it. I could feel it. I could almost move it around under the skin. I called Brian freaking out. He told me to calm down. Told me I could call my doctor now or wait til he got home and evaluate. Everything would be OK.
I waited and when Brian got home and felt it he agreed it was something. Not my insane imagination and it was something that was not there before. We decided to give it the weekend. To see if it changed or went away. To give it some time.
In the meantime, I began to lose it. I had been asked to have faith. To trust. To stay calm. To listen to my body. And while I can put on a good show, the reality was that everything had changed. Everything. Knowing I had some cancer in my chest and was only 7 days away from having it removed was one thing. Having a lump, near the site of origin was completely another. A lump, under the skin.
I tried to trust. Tried to believe things would be OK but I became irritable, reserved. Didn't want to share. Didn't want to be open. Pretended things were good and I was excited by the upcoming surgery but really the anxiety I began to feel became consuming. Every thought I had was a "what if" every time my hand went to my chest, it found the lump, not the scar. I was scared. I was emotional. I decided to only tell my parents, brother and sister-in-law, and the BFs. I didn't blog about it. I didn't tell my local close friends. i didn't tell my pastor. And that was a big deal. There was so much uncertainty. IN me. About it. I became quiet...well, lets be honest, quieter. And as each day passed and the surgery grew closer, the anxiety became more. Couldn't even connect with Bri or the kids. Just couldn't. Began nesting and cleaning and at 12:20 Friday morning, I woke Brian up vaccuuming and realized I had to stop. It was time. Time to lay my head down and be still. And I did. For a few hours until the alarm went off at 4AM yesterday morning.
I knew things would be OK when Brian came out wearing this shirt...
Brian: "Who's day is this?"
Kids: "Mommy's!"
Brian: "No what?"
Kids: "No fussing, no whining!"
Brian: "Who loves you?"
Kids: "YOU DO!!!!"
We arrived around 8:15 and were in the procedure room by 8:25. There was room in the procedure room for Brian if I wanted him with me. Hell yes I did! If I had gone the plastic surgery route, it would have been at Carle's surgi center. This was no Surgi Center. This was a suped up doctor's office- with sterlized stuff at one end and a table and big lights and chairs at the other. Weird at first but warm. comforting. First our nurse, Hope came in. Cute. Nice. Then Dr. Youse. I told you before I liked him. And he's cute and that helps. Seeing him in his surgery outfit freaked me out a little but he immediately extended an hand to Bri and me and smiled. Learn more about him here and here. I like to think I'm a pretty serious person but really, I'm pretty silly and clumsy and talk too much and swear WAY too much and put me in an uncomfortable situation, especially with my husband and partner in crime, I'm either gonna be inappropriate and piss someone off, or amazing! Today everything was amazing. It brought back tons of memories from when Alaric was born.
He was almost 7 weeks premature. My water broke when visiting Chicago. We were at Northwestern. We had just found out we were not leaving and having this baby. Everyone else was panicky. I was at peace. And because of that, Brian and I decided to make every connection we could with the people around us. Even with all the uncertainty of how our baby would be, we wanted to enjoy. To make memories. TO take 1000s of pictures ( and we did). We wanted school stats on every doc and nurse and janitor. We wanted to know how they felt about the Illini ( they were in the tourney that day), we wanted to make people smile and bring some light-heartedness to this situation so it wasn't so serious and alittle more bearable. And we did. And it was fun. And even though Alaric was in the NICU for 26 days with lots of issues and lots of crazy moments, some of our favorites were of that first day and the amount of laughing and loving we did and how many friends and contacts we made.
With a deep breath I showed Dr. Youse my lump. I took his hand and put it on my chest. He felt, he wrinkled his nose. I started shaking and tears welled in my eyes. Then he told me I was probably touching it too much and caused a calcification. He laughed. Brian laughed. I hit him in the arm.Then I showed him my ass...let the fun begin!
Time went fast. Bri and I talked and laughed. We both made lots of phone calls and sent texts. And before ya know it, we were being called back to the room. THEY GOT IT ALL!!!! No need to go back for more tissue. And the lump was just a benign cyst! Biopsy results said no cancer! THANK GOD ! I sighed. Tears welled again. Deep breath. Now just time to remove my mole from my side ass and stitch me up.
Hope needed to take an after picture. So, she removed the packing. And got her camera. bri knew that if someone else was taking pics, he needed to all ( he's trained so well). He asked if he could peek.
"Sure thing" she said.
"Woaw!" Brian said. thats really big. I needed to see. Hope got me the mirror.
HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really said that. This is what I saw....
"HOPE" "I'm naming my lump and my oozing wound HOPE!"
She laughed it was the first time anyone named a wound after her.
Then he moved to my ass. He was pinching the fat to try and get his first cut as he told us he was a Cards fan. BOOOOOO!!!! Then i told him it was gonna be a big game Friday.
"Huge" he said, with my ass in his hands.
"The game, not your ass" he said. We all laughed. I pretended to kick him.
He said it was so nice to be able to say the things he was thinking to a patient. I said it probably didn't happen very often. He responded,
"Never. Its never happened."
That made me smile. Here he was making my day. Taking away my cancer and making me feel normal again and here we all were laughing and having a good day together.
While I was still being stitched up (3 on my hip and around 20 in my chest) I asked if we could talk about my acne. Told him I was out of my meds and never wanted to see my PA at Carle ever again. Asked if he would see me for my regular acne needs too, not just my cancer. Of course.
The medicine was wearing off and I was shaking all over. Couldn't stop. Felt like after I did after my babies. Tears in my eyes. Happy.
He told me Hope would be giving me all my instructions( not doc stuff) but as I slowly sat up and tried to see if I felt normal again, I had dozens of questions. And he answered everyone. Should have been nurse stuff but he took care of it. Normal stuff...take it easy. rest. No exercise. Huh? What? What about running? can I run?
"NO", he said.
"SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I said back. "I have a 5K next Saturday. I've already paid $50"
"Dont want to jiggle the stitches or move them. Take it easy. See how the week progresses. No training. Have common sense. if you feel ok, do it. If not- don't push yourself"
I am good at directions. I take them well. I listen. Mostly though when its things I already planned on doing. You know how controlling I am. I had to take this whole week off running because I rolled my ankle. Another week off sounds like torture. I can almost feel the fat depositing on my huge ass. But I'm cancer free. I'm so happy I can't stop smiling. I feel lighter. I feel content.
"Got it, doc!" He asked me to see him in two weeks to check the chest. Then appointments every 3 months for a year to check my skin, feel for lumps. Perfect.
Hope told me no showering for 3-7 days. Baths for body, sink for hair. Lots of rest. No lifting for a few weeks. Keep the stitches tight.
Brian grabbed my hand as we walked out. Both of us smiling. I'm CANCER FREE!!!!!
We headed to CHili's for had been 3 hours at Christie. I needed a drink! Margarita!!! It was time to celebrate. Dessert too! Yum!
TA DA!!!!!!!! I called our neighbor D over to help christen in in the front yard ( do you think Dr. Youse would approve of beer bongs as part of the post-surgery recovery?) but as we were bringing it outside, our new neighbors who just moved in were out, along with their family. We decided it wasn't the right time to introduce ourself or have to explain how our neighborhood really is. SO, we set up chairs in the carport for my parents, brought my baby nephew out in his highchair, and got started!
I need to rest. I'm tired again. Napping is in order. I need to lay down and take the pressure off my chest. But my great desire to blog fills me. This blog has been my therapy during the past 56 days and it will continue to be. Its been my lifeline to you all and my way of documenting this amazing journey. I had a chocolate/caramel brownie for breakfast while I wrote. I felt my bandage. I worked through the pain. I thought of each of you and how you played a part in this story. I will remember it all. How I grew. How I changed. How I learned to deal. Who was there for me. Who wasn't. Who came into my life. Who never left my side. Who cared for me and who held me. Who I trusted. Who I confided in. Who I laughed with. Who I cried with. Who I became along the way.
With the ups and downs along the way, Iwill forget nothing. This is me. I'm Katie Bechtel Fulton and I'm Cancer Free!
1 comment:
I knew from previous experience that is was going to be painful but wasn't about to tell you that and it is all worth it cuz. You are cancer free Hooray!!!! When are you coming to St. Matts we miss you Love, Jill
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