Each year our church hosts Trick or Treating at Presby Hall ( the residence hall connected to our church) and then Truck or Treat in the parking garage! I organize with the Family Ministry Team and the kids LOVE IT!!!
The dinner was great this year. So many people. We also incorportated a pumpkin carving contest and people voted by putting in money to cup next to the pumpkin they liked best! The one with the most money won...and all was donated to UNICEF!

Our Star Wars Family!
Queen Amidala and Darth
May the Force be With this group!
Are you kidding me? Could these girls be any cuter?
Trick or Treating is my favorite part....the students are great. Its all inside. There are 7 floors of trick or treating, it goes so fast, and they decorate amazingly! HEre we are with the kids Sunday School teacher, Brigid!!!
All of the floors were impressive. Some were amazing!!! Pitch black, spooky music, etc.
Mara couldnt wait to get her hair done, her costume on, and get out the door!
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