The Cathedral in Peoria was the location of an incredible wedding on the perfect AUgust day.
We wait outside for the new couple to be announced. Look at my cute dress I borrowed from my girlfriend, Lisa! Thanks Lisa- big hit! We even found a tie for Bri to coordinate.
Here are some of the girls before we head into the reception.
The cocktail hour was wonderful and Lena was so excited to be with her friends.
Too cute!
You were a stunning bride, Lena!

The room was draped in white with light green accents.
After the speeches and the dinner things got crazy fast. Sam is known for his "cherry bombs" Cherry bombs are marachino cherries that have been soaked in Everclear. So- the bride and groom were kind enough to make one for each table at the wedding to share. Our two tables are usually roudy and have some history with these "cherry bombs". Here, Dr. Kruse is given the honor of adminstering the bombs to the bride and groom.

Todd, Bill, and Brian actually get in a picture without their wives asking them to take one of a girls group!
Lena is Lebonese so the night was filled with Lebonese dancing and traditions too!
My BF Alicia and I catch up- Love her!
The room was draped in white with light green accents.
Such a fun weekend! Will take me all week to recover. Love you friends, and CONGRATS to Mr. and Mrs. Glomp. An amazingly fun and beautiful wedding.
Ok everyone may laugh at me but I did not know that Lena was marrying Sam Glomp! That guy was one of my fave people in college! Please tell them I say congrats! And Katie let's catch up this week!
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