Friday night started at the Alpha, IL bowling alley. We rented the whole place ( all 6 lanes) from 7-9 and had it serve as a welcome event for everyone coming from out of town.
Here are some "blue" family members looking through the pages of family trees each family created to see the lineage. It was such a great idea and the family members became detectives as they tried to figure out who belonged to whom, etc. ( I just loved looking at all the family names and feeling so honored that our son's middle name, Arthur, went back so far in the family).
The Greens!
The Blues- that's us!
Some of the reds- more came later and they took a big picture but I missed it!
Aunt Kathy and Uncle Log took the hundreds of family pictures from previous reunions along with family pictures from each family and put together an incredible DVD slideshow. It was a wonderful historical piece. The beginning of the DVD featured Grandpa Nelson ( who passed away this past March) and his cousin Dorothy reading the obituary of their grandfather.
It was wonderful to see live footage of Grandpa again but it brought back a flood of emotions to see Grandpa again. There were lots of tears- especially from those who were not able to get back for his funeral.
In perfect timing, the rains stopped as soon as the DVD was over and the Fun & Games Committee took over outside. Brian and I along with Aunt Tammie and Uncle Jeff were in charge of planning the fun and games for the 70 people in attendance.
We started with a young-kid friendly game of Squirrel and Tree where kids ( squirrels) had to run from one tree ( two people holding hands). It was a great warm up!

Then things got serious- so serious, Aunt Kathy had to get on top of the Nelson RV to get the perfect shot. PS- Alaric and Amara took their nap in the RV and it was a GOD send! Thanks to the Nelsons!
The we played "CLUMP" That's not the official name but that's what I call it. Partners on the word GO had to find a new partner to link arms with. Uncle Jeff, the coach- kept removing people so each round someone would be left without a partner. The game went on and on until it was down to only two people. Loved, Loved, Loved seeing these huge men with these itty bitty kids!

NExt we played Balloon on a String. Simply, a balloon on a string is tied to each person's leg. You run around trying to pop other people's balloons. When your balloon is popped, you are out. You play until there is only one person left.

Then came the Nelson Family tradition of a water balloon toss. The Houstons made 500 water balloons and ALL OF THEM WERE USED!!!!
Then things got serious- so serious, Aunt Kathy had to get on top of the Nelson RV to get the perfect shot. PS- Alaric and Amara took their nap in the RV and it was a GOD send! Thanks to the Nelsons!
NExt we played Balloon on a String. Simply, a balloon on a string is tied to each person's leg. You run around trying to pop other people's balloons. When your balloon is popped, you are out. You play until there is only one person left.
Then came the Nelson Family tradition of a water balloon toss. The Houstons made 500 water balloons and ALL OF THEM WERE USED!!!!
Partner up, one person with the water balloon. The coach tells both sides to take a step back at the same time and then throw. When you are out, you're out!
Alaric's 1st waterballoon toss- he and Daddy only lasted 2 throws but he had a blast!

You can see the concentration on family member's faces!
Then came the hoola hoop game. Two large circles form with one large hoola hoop in each. These are the custom, oversized hoola hoops Brian makes ( let us know if you want to buy one- they are amazing!)Its a race between the two cirlces to get everyone to get inside the hoola hoop. Takes lots of teamworks, positive reinforcement and patience! So MUCH FUN!
Once they did it once, people loved it so we did it again but with TWO hoola hoops in each circle!
Next we played another partner game- I never caught the name of this one- I'll call it 'two circles'. You pick a partner. One partner in an outside circle, the other inside. The coach calls out commands to the two circles ( inside walk to the left, outside to the right or inside walk like a chicken, outside growl like a tiger). When the coach says GO the two partners have to find each other and link arms back to back. Last couple to link is out.
View of the family and spectators from the edge of the field.
Family watched from the RV

Down to two teams. Favorite command of the day- inside circle do the moonwalk. Outside circle, put your left hand in the air and shake it like Michael Jackson's glove!
Then we took a family picture with every single person there....well, all but one. Sarah Nelson Garcia is a professional photographer and she agreed to take the large picture. Their family brough a close friend with them ( like a family member but not) Rafael agreed to be the photograher. While he shot the picture of the 70 of us, I took a picture of him!
The last game of the day with the biggest and most anticipated- the time honored tradition of the Nelson Family Softball Game! We played in the fields next to the elevator ( gotta love IL). The two teams were designated by homestates- IL family members vs out-of-staters!
Amara, Anita, and Chris ( along with lots of others) watched from the sidelines!
They even blew some bubbles!
Cousin Frank pitched Alaric his first unassisted ball!

Good Game everyone! How horrible is this....I don't even know who won- the IL team or the out of staters? Anyone remember?
No one was ready to leave with the Legion needed to be locked up. We all just brought out chairs out the RV and continued the conversations, the catching up, and the games. A pickup game of football began and the family watched.
The beer didn't settle right and she had a major BLOW OUT!!!!! All over her dress and bloomers. SO, we stripped her down and let her loose in her diaper. She was the happiest she had been all day.
You can see the concentration on family member's faces!
Down to two teams. Favorite command of the day- inside circle do the moonwalk. Outside circle, put your left hand in the air and shake it like Michael Jackson's glove!
Good Game everyone! How horrible is this....I don't even know who won- the IL team or the out of staters? Anyone remember?
Amara drank beer!!!!!
Here she is determined to play ball!
When it was time to go, we didn't leave each other for long. Brian and I took the kids to Great Gram's house to meet the babysitter there and get rid of the kids and we walked 4 doors down to the Woohull neighborhood bar. The back room had been rented just for the reunion. It was big news that the Nelsons were having a reunion and lots and lots of old friends stopped by to visit. We had our own keg and took full advantage of it.
Here are Rafael, Frank, Matt, and Brian playing quarters.
Anita, me, Sarah, Leslie, and Kathy watched the men mortified by their drinking games over 30!
Oh Wait! That was only until we all decided a game of Flippy Cup was in order and then all the girls AND boys wanted to play drinking games! Girls vs. Boys!
Brian, and everyone else, took the game very seriously!

I know, I know- the below picture of the kid chugging looks bad! We needed extra support on each team so the little cousins participated with water.
Team BOYS!!!!!!
Team GIRLS!!!!
Old friends catch up in Woodhull!
Cousins unite!
Anita, me, and Brian!
What an incredible weekend! We met so many family members we had never known before and I finally got to meet some of Brian's favorites who I've heard so much about but had never had the chance to meet. E-mails were exchanged, promised of Cubs hats being sent and visits to CA and NC were declared. It was so great! The 50th Annual was a huge success! Thanks Nelson Family and all the organizers for your hard work of bringing the family back together and showing us the true meaning of family!
I know, I know- the below picture of the kid chugging looks bad! We needed extra support on each team so the little cousins participated with water.
You guys sound like a ton of fun. I'm pretty sure I've got some Nelson in my family. Maybe I'm a half Nelson... (wokka wokka) I think the young parents group should play a bunch of those games!! : ) (Do I have the name right? Nelson? My stupid joke is really lame if I remembered the name wrong...)
What a huge family. LOL Amara drank beer and had an cute!!! No balloon game from your 5 year party? ;-)
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