One of our very favorite things to do is to picnic out at Allerton. Of course now we LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to meet Brian for lunches but even after he's gone- I know we'll still make it a priority.
My favorite picture...when the kids saw Brian coming from the mansion, they took off running across the wide green spaces. I just love to see how excited they are to see their daddy and how much it means to Brian too! Look at sweet Mara trying to keep up!

Daddy and his angels!

Mara and me head over to the wildflowers after our picnic.

Checking out all the new spring flowers.
Hey whenever you head that way and would like some company, I know Jim, the boys and I would love to join you all for a picnic. :)
Of course, Mara likes to wear sunglasses...she's just the cutest and what other kid wears them? Don't they usually hate having them on thier face? Fun times!
We spent some time at Allerton on Easter Sunday - it was great! I'm so glad picnic weather is finally here!
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