Saturday we woke up and got ready for the Easter Egg hunt at my Auntie Doris' church. We've been going to Easter in Iowa for 30 years and this is the first egg hunt we've ever been too. As far as I'm concerned, we'll never miss another one. it was wonderful.
The kids started inside and got to hold real chickens. Once Al found out he wasn't allergic ( poor guy) he was so excited to hold one.

Taylor on the tire swing.
Woody and his daughter Alinia.
Woody & Mindy's former foster child, Matthew! He loves his the Housers so much, he still spends some weekends with them and often times holidays. We think of him as a cousin ( and its way easier to explain to Alaric too).
Football was the game of choice for the whole family.
Brian and Mara stop mid flip for a picture.
My sweet family!
The walk home
We got home from the park and Dan, Jen, V, Grammy, and Papa had arrived. Well, we needed to do another Easter Egg hunt so this time we chose the front yard. Just wanted to mention, my other cousin Brad, his wife Becky and their kids Maddie and Brady were not there this year. They were with Becky's family. We missed them terribly!
The kids raced around the yard
V finds one hidden high
Matthew and Taylor guided Mara to help find the eggs she overlooked
Cousins and Friends Forever!
After the most amazing meal prepared by Auntie Doris, kids napped, played, etc. Mindy and Woody gave Alaric and Amara their Christmas gifts since they were snowed in at our December gathering. Amara got a new TuTu and you can see how overjoyed she was. She loved it!
Mindy and Woody have a foster child now named, Kurah. She has special needs. She's blind and has significant brain damage. She's two months younger than Mara. She eats through a tube. Veronica loved to be a good helper and hold her formula bag.
Mara played football outside and waved to Papa ( notice the tutu which she would not take off until nighttime and she kicked and screamed the whole time we changed her).
EASTER BASKETS!!! Who doesn't love Easter baskets
Kurah got a soft, grizzly bear to touch.
L-R...Taylor, Amara, Alinia, Veronica, Samantha, Benjamin, and Alaric. Woody and Mindy have 4 kids. Benjamin spent most of this visit in the den watching TV or playing videogames. He's in 8th grade. We could go hours without even hearing a sound from the room. Every once in awhile, someone would open the door just to be sure he was alive. Yup, still a breathing teenager who wants nothing to do with his family! My favorite moment when I peeked in to check his life status, I cracked open the door and said, "Benj, I just wanted to tell you I love you!" His response, " I love you too, Katie!" Uhhh, warm my heart! Gotta love 'em!
My parents checked out Auntie Doris' photo albums
Grammy and Papa then gave their Easter Baskets to the Bechtel/Fulton kids. Look at these sweet girls in their new raincoats and umbrellas!
For each year of our lives, my mom had made my brother and me our own Easter egg. It was a real egg, blown out and painted by her. She would have the egg dated and reflect something from the past year with our likes or events, etc. Now, she does it for the kids instead.
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