We have so many projects going this week to try and prepare for our anniversary party next week. Oh, and did I mention we are hosting 30 people for an appreciation dinner of Brian's Allerton staff TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So, the kids decided to help me put together Amara's picnic table she got for her birthday.
Mara sat around and monitored us!
All done!
While that was going on, Brian was putting the banisters on our newly built front steps. After some frustrating moments, he called a friend to help him-much easier holding and drilling and balancing things with 2 people instead of one. The new stairs look great- thanks ERIC!!!!
Then the countertops......deep breath.....our kitchen is such a poorly designed space we knew it would be a challenge but things were going from bad to worse.
OUr neighbor, D, came over to help tear out and reinstall the new countertops. Should have been a simple job since everything was already pre-measured and cut. NOPE!
BEfore things got bad I took this pic of Mara as she watched the chaos!
D and Bri remove the old countertops-looked easier than it was since it was glued and screwed in some very interesting ways.
Had to remove the sinks, stove, and dish washer. They went to carry in the new piece and couldn't get it in....too big. The large cabinet on the right side was in the way. When they tried to lift it and shimmy it into place, the cabinets on the left were in the way. 

HEre's the house this morning....kitchen with no sinks, stove, or dishwasher!

Here's the stove in the landing room!
Everything from the kitchen in the dining room.
Mara eating amounst the crap!
Dishwasher and old cabinets in the carport!
Oh wait....more drama!!! Today while bri was in the yard painting the front porch and I was inside dusting- BOOM- we heard a large crash and went running to see what happened and saw A CAR IN OUR NEIGHBOR'S YARD!!!!!!!!! A teenager wasn't looking and didn't see the car in front of him stopped with his turn signal on. he slammed on the breaks and launched himself in the yard, hitting a sign and a tree along the way. Thank God no one was hurt. June usually weeds her garden right around that area!
I took pictures because Jack and June were NOT HOME!!!!! Poor Jack and June! They aren't going to know what the helll happened and I wanted to be able to show what was in their yard that ruined their garden and grass.
They devised a plan to take the countertop and split it into the 3 pieces it originally came in....hmmmm.....that didn't work either because our house is not square. it would fit in the back but not the front or on the side but no where else, etc. It was bad.
We called our good friend and contractor, Jamey, and asked him for some help. D and Bri were overwhelmed and didn't want to mess anything up. Jamey is here as I type working on it.
With nothing to do, we started drinking. The kids were fed very creatively in our space during all this and we needed a break so we started drinking in the front yard and playing lawn games....three people turned into 5 which turned into 8, which ended up being every single neighbor including our new neighbors, Sarah and Matt, who were spending their 1st night in their new home! We had 9 adults and 6 kids in the yard until 10PM! it was a wonderful end to a long day!
Here's the stove in the landing room!
Alaric and Alyssa were very excited to see the tow truck and police cars right outside our fence. They could stay safe in our yard and see it all!

Jamey and Jeff, from Precision Decks saved us!!!!!!!!! here they are just a few minutes ago installing the countertops! THANK GOD FOR THEM!!!! I said it when they did our basement and it still rings true- if you need construction work of any kind done- Jamey Schurvinske is YOUR GUY! He does it all and does it beautifully. www.precisiondeckscu.com or 355-7072
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