Today we made cookies...lots and lots of cookies. Alaric, Alyssa, and Hannah were the makers today. Our make three massive baches of Chris Fulton's famous chocolate chip cookies! Who would get these cookies...the residents at the TIMES homeless shelter in Champaign ( through a service project my church is doing this Sunday). Don't worry, we ate PLENTY!!!
Here Alyssa and Hannah are ready to go.

Alaric too! I had everything premeasured before we began. Thank GOD my mom came out to help and spend some time with the kids! While I instucted the little ones on each step, Amara stood at me heels and screamed...constantly for most of the morning. If I put her down at all-which you must while making cookies- she screamed bloody murder.

Alyssa mixes her dough. Did I tell her Amara had the poops today- oh yes...10 times before noon. So- we washed our hands probably a dozen times while making cookies and I had to wash mine a dozwn more with the poops!

Grammy helps everyone pour in the vanilla. Did I mention Amara has a fever. Yeah- 101.5 WITH tylonol

Everyone was a trooper. Making the balls and then nibbling in between was the most fun.

Grammy and Alaric work together!

The kids played outside and came in ever 8 minutes in shifts with my mom and I as leaders to switch out trays, etc and man the kids outside and hold Amara.
The kids are down, I'm on my second load of dishes and I'm praying for a less hectic afternoon. I Oh wait...It's Christmas in July in Monticello and Santa will be on the square tonight!!!
I told my mom today- it would have been easier to have baked all these cookies myself during naptime but I want these kids to have these fun experiences, I want them to get dirty, I want them to give the things they make to those who don't have them. It was stressful and poor Amara was hurting but we got it done, the kids had a blast- and I'm ready for a nap!
1 comment:
As stressful as this sounds, these are the moments I remember most with my mom and are a great mother!
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