So you all know my neighbor June who is AMAZING...well she outdid herself today. She asked just the middle girls in the neighborhood over today for a special project- Hannah and Katlyn.
In honor of the Fulton wedding, summertime, the kids imaginations, and these wonderful paperdoll books she got for each of them- she chose a wedding theme for today.
The two girls went over and made their own veils, corsages, and baskets AND designed their own wedding cakes. They are absolutely beautiful!!!! I had so much fun peaking out my bedroom window and watching them all on the portch today bent over the table with there glueguns and fabric creating these masterpieces- they really are something!
Here is Hannah!

And Katlyn!

And them both with their Just Married signs! They each got a book with tons of paperdolls-including a bride and group as a special gift to take home. Thanks June for spoiling our kids! We love you!