We started things early....I surprised him with a date night last night when he got off work. We got a babysitter and headed out for a drink at a wine bar and then to see THE HANGOVER at a movie theatre in Champaign. It's HILARIOUS!!!! It's just as funny as Old School or Wedding Crashers but much more vulgor and foul ( if you can believe it). We highly recommend it.
This morning started with the kids up at 5:45 and in bed with us jumping on the pillows and snuggling and then opening gifts in bed. Alaric painted Daddy a beautiful picture. He also got a round of golf for some quiet time by himself at a nearby course.
Peek-A-Boo is a new family favorite so the kids played on our way to church.
Sweet Baby Mara!
We got to church and decided to check out the new Bechtel Family Memorial Gardens. My parents donated money to the church for a landscaping project. Dad's been working with the architechs for months and it's now in the finishing phase. The garden will have benches and memorial trees and plants with the focus being a walking layrinth with our church's cross in the center.
We stopped there to take some photos. Here's Bri and his angels ( Notice we all dressed to coordinate today)!
Daddy took one of Mommy too!

The finished labyrith

A walking labryrith is used for meditation, focus, and peaceful time. You enter at the designated area and simply walk through the planned out maze...slow, steady. Taking time to breathe, pray, think, etc. Alaric and Daddy tried it out ( they didn't meditate but rather focused on staying on the light gray blocks).
Amara just hangs out on the center cross.
The finished labyrith
A walking labryrith is used for meditation, focus, and peaceful time. You enter at the designated area and simply walk through the planned out maze...slow, steady. Taking time to breathe, pray, think, etc. Alaric and Daddy tried it out ( they didn't meditate but rather focused on staying on the light gray blocks).
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