Brian has been taking lots of days off during the week which makes me completely lose track of what day it is. Yesterday, Friday, we decided to get a bunch of things done and use a gift certificate to Cracker Barrel. We arrived at 7:30 to discover that the Country Store is a kid's paradise. Both kids had so much fun playing with all the stuff there.

Yummy- we had a delicious breakfast. Last picture of me with brown hair-see updated photos tomorrow of my new look!

Then we headed to Grammy and Papas to drop off the kids so we could go to the Verizon store without them

Grammy played with Amara's favorite toy....a rattle phone that was Grammy's when she was a baby!

After naptime-we too took two hour naps yesterday!!!- we headed to the pool. Here is Brian's first time off a highdive in 20 years. His response afterwards " it's alot higher than I remember it being"

Mar enjoys the pool.

Running around naked when we got home and getting ready to go out for Mexican Food!!!!! Splurges today made for some weight gain but we'll get back on track next week.

After Mexican, my neighbor came over and highlighted my hair. I'd been wanting to do it. IT'S REALLY blonde and I love it. I'll take pics today at our friends' ribfest and post tomorrow!
While at Grammy and Papa's we practiced walking with Mara. She took SEVEN steps! Of course that wasn't on film. Here is a tiny look at her mad walking skills. Anyday now....
In the car on the way from Cracker Barrel, Alaric was pouting cause it didn't get his way and Amara was making the funniest noises and doing some silly tricks with her feet. We just had to document.
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