The rains got harder and then all of a sudden, it sounded like baseballs were hitting the house. I went running upstairs and sure enough, hail was coming down by the buckets! Our hail was only quarter size. I ran back down to the basement and we took cover.
We were without power for about two hours. After the major storm hit, we put Amara to sleep.
The rest of us decided to make the most of our time in the dark and we had oreo dunking contests by candlelight~
Our basement stayed dry too...we had some nervous moments but our new waterproofing system was tested and passed!
Many others did not fare as well as we....Allerton had billard to baseball size hail. They lost their beautiful greenhouse with it's hundreds of panes of glass. Homes out near Allerton suffered the most- shattered windshields and sunroofs, damaged roofs, siding pulled off, and thousands of dents in cars.
The kids and I went to my Moms Group lunch today and one of the members lives out by Allerton. She drove her car and showed looked like it had been through a war- hundreds of dents everywhere-it's totalled. She feels lucky however as she told the story of a neighbor who was trying to get her kids home in the storm. She was on her own street when the hail started. The sunroof shattered first with the two kids in the back and then the windshield went moments later. They were only a block away from home. There was no place else to go. Luckily everyone was OK, just scared.
So- the sun is shining today and people are out accessing their damage. We are thankful to not have too much damage and hope others will recover from this storm.
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