Well- it was an adventure, that's for sure.
First of all, I took our Camry so I could rach the kids easier. We put Amara in the big carseat because I thought she would be really mad at me if she was rear facing for 6 hours. It made no difference. She was mad at me the whole time. For the entire 6 hours up, I handed her a toy, shew played with it for 2-3 minutes, then threw it on the floor and started screaming. I then grabbed another toy and handed it to her. When all 50 toys were gone, we pulled over on the side of the road, gathered the toys and started over.
Alaric travels really well. He was perfect. I hope she just needs more practice- being in tehc ar and being in her carseat.She's so little she kinda slides down. Her preferred position was with her legs in the air.
Mara was all smiles when we got to IA and we could eat lunch!
Kirstin and her proud parents!!!!She's so pretty!
Well, here's an indication of my kids attitudes while we were gone. Alaric wanted to explore and Amara wanted to scream- even in my arms!
HEre's what she looked like much of Sunday!
The kids napped while the real graduation party went on. Here's Kirstin after the graduation- she wore basketball shorts and a t-shirt under her gown.
She's going to Minnesota State University to play basketball next year! So proud of her!
The party started at 4PM with a taco bar, cupcakes, tons of pictures, lots of drinks, bags, and Mexican horseshoes-so fun!
Alaric started peeing outside a week ago. He was so excited to see a small dirt pile in the Nelson's yard perfect for peeing!
Bob and Jeff were the official bartenders for the night. Log and Dan were the "color commentators" They provided any additional support, comments, and just plain entertainment.
There were hundreds of people that came throughout the night. Around 11:30PM, the games began. We played silly games with all the highschoolers and friends. I went to bed at 12:30AM but the kids were up until 3AM!!!!!!! A successful party!
There were hundreds of people that came throughout the night. Around 11:30PM, the games began. We played silly games with all the highschoolers and friends. I went to bed at 12:30AM but the kids were up until 3AM!!!!!!! A successful party!
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