Saturday, May 26, 2012

Lydia & Robert's Wedding

I had this student my first year at St. Matthew ( 2001) who I really wanted to like but who didn't seem to like me, and who didn't want to make my job easy.  Honestly, she was just a hormonal 6th grader who thought she knew it all and thought rolling her eyes and being down right mean sometimes would get her someplace.  Her name was Lydia.  Even though she didn't like me, I liked her.  I wasn't going to give up on her either.

As the Director of the After School program, I had children for YEARS.  And the very next year, Lydia had changed.  Who knows why...I'm not asking.  But that snotty little junior high kid grew up that summer and came back that fall a different person.  From that point on, we were buddies!  She helped me with my responsibilities, she opened up to me, she asked for help with her homework, and she became one of my favorites ( yes, teachers have them).   her 8th grade year, Brian was working at the after school program too and he bacame her daily Algebra tutor.  They'd sit in the Multi Purpose Room for what seemed like HOURS, pouring over the math problems.  

She went to HS and Brian and I began taking her out to Mexican a couple times a year and catching up.  We loved it.  We'd visit with her parents and got to know them well also.  Then onto college.  U of I.  Our Mexican tradition continued.  Then she met Robert.....

We heard all about him and one time, a couple years ago, I asked if Robert wanted to come to dinner too. And he did.  With all 4 of us!  Such a trooper!  Our tradition continues now ( until they find jobs and move away)

We were so honored to be invited to their wedding today.  it was SO lovely to see these two best friends marry!  

Brian and I both had a few moments of reflection throughout the night since we remember this woman when she was 11 years old.  Seeing her so beautiful, so grown up, and so happy was incredible!

They were married at St. John's on campus- the church they attended together for 4 years when they were both RA's in Newman Hall

The reception was at the I Hotel and it was beautiful!
Happy Hour for Brian and me( yes, just Brian and me in an hour)

The night was great....nuns and priests sang love songs...
and lovebirds shared the best night of their life!

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