18 neighbors from 5 households headed to Lake Mattoon for the weekend to celebrate the holiday weekend and enjoy our neighbors, The Millers, lakehouse together.
The kids loved being on the boat together

and we ate and ate and ate!

We had an absolute blast in their swimming cove and spent hours upon hours with the kids here!

Each time we get in the water, our kids amaze us more and more! It was so fun to simply sit back and watch them swim their hearts out...and snuggle them too!

Brian and I took each kid out individually canoeing at sunset- amazing!

Alaric was in heaven the next morning when Matt let the kids, very carefully play with his Star Wars toys!

While the kids took a nice, long nap Saturday afternoon- Brian and I got to relax too. Brian in the hammock and me in the water!

and then back to partying and Brian took on the diving board!

Our wonderful neighbors!

Our drunken men make us proud! ( they were posing for a beer label Matt is making for one of hus home brews dedicated to these 4)
Thanks to the Miller Family for hosting us! it was a great weekend!
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