My morning started as always with Breakfast in bed.
Then it was 3 couples, then 6, then 20, then more. It was a MOB FLASH DANCE. All of a sudden, the lobby was full of couples of all ages dancing it up to choreographed music. And then it ended and everyone dispersed and the elevator music went back on. It was so fun to watch.

Brian got tickets to a Cirque De Solei like show called "ID" It was incredible! OH MY GOSH! Like nothing I've ever experienced

For more than 2 hours we were mesmerized. After the show when the lights came on, Brian realized we were sitting next to JustinSpring. U of I gymnast and Olympic Bronze Medalist. My sweet husband introduced himself. God, I love him.
I had such a wonderful day and Brian did an amazing job thinking of me and planning the perfect date! Thankyou Thankyou Thankyou.
Brian got tickets to a Cirque De Solei like show called "ID" It was incredible! OH MY GOSH! Like nothing I've ever experienced
Also on a great note, our best friends ( and Al's Godparents) Heather and Justin, had their second daughter, CharlotteElizabeth , today in Spain! I'm so excited to share my birthday with Charley and Alaric is so excited to have another God "sister"!
Happy Birthday Katie and Charley!
33?? Wow! You are SO old! haha! What a marvelous time! Was the birthday weekend for you birthday too? What a long and great birthday celebration for you. So worthy of that double number (3...3). The kids are adorable! I love the picture of them in the wagon.
We went to the John Deere museum a few years ago and loved it to!
HaPpY BiRtHdAy!
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