Sunday, October 31, 2010

HAPPY HALLOWEEN- Party & Trick or Treating!

After church and naps today, we headed to our friends house for their annual party! Only two sets parents were dressed up but we were INCREDIBLE so we were excited!
The kids turned three dads into mummies!

And spider on a spoon relay racesI love you, Mr. Incredible!
Yup, all those kids were at the party- each with two parents! it was crazy and so much fun!
Dash and Violet- you look Incredible!Most everyone stayed in the party's neighborhood to trick or treat but we headed back to our neighborhood so we could be closer to home! We went trick or treating with our sweet fairy neighbor, Alyssa!
The police were handing out candy so we had to get some before we headed to Jack and June's!
June makes special little treat bags for each of the neighbor kids and they love it! They also get to climb through the windows onto their porch to give Jack hugs!
We found Dorothy and Tigger Miller out on State Street too!
Home to count candy- Gotta Love it!
Happy Halloween!

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