Saturday, May 15, 2010

Dinosaur Dance Party

No time to spare...I walked home from the Derby by myself and left Brian at the awards ceremony to get the kids to our neighbor's b-day party. It was for Stella ( shown here in her super cute dino costume) and her friend from class, McKenna. How fun it was!
Instead of gifts, the kids worked on service project... they planted flowers for the residents at the nursing home across the street. the kids could plant their flower, make a craft, get tattoos, or dig in the sand for dinosaurs....or DANCE!!! They had the most amazing dance dinosaur music ( who knew?). As you can see, there were even real dinosaurs there!
Alaric loved hanging out with the blue dinosaur- our neighbor and b-day girl's dad, Matt.
Hey wait! There's a T-Rex!!! Who could that possibly be? ME!!!! Mom Sarah convinced me to be a helper and wow does she owe me. Thank God I had no time to change between the race and the party as I was SO Sweaty, so hot, and beaten up under this costume I couldn't see out out. The kids LOVED it though and it was fun!
Matt and I talk through our sharp teeth about how hot we are as we pose for pictures, dance with kids and shake our booty at the Dino Dance party...Sarah's mom was the dino behind us, Bless her heart!!!
One big family!

Thanks Millers for an amazing party!
The best part, and the only part I didn't capture on film was the trip to the nursing home. We walked across the street to the home and delivered flowers to the residents and did the Dino Hokey Pokey. The residents were precious and loved all the kids ( and the dinosaurs). What a wonderful thing to do at a party and what joy it brought to everyone involved ( the kids really loved it too). I stepped on a few kids ( as I could only see a tiny bit about 6 feet in front of me) and had more kids than hands to hold be we all made it home in one piece.
Costumes came off and we all enjoyed cake and icecream before heading home. What a great birthday party!
Did I mention I was having a garage sale this weekend too? Yup, thank God not at my house but at my girlfriends with 3 other families. So, we headed there after the party and are now at home with the kids napping. Phew! What a wonderful and exhausting day.
Check back lots this week as we celebrate my brother's graduation tomorrow, Alaric's last day of school and preparations for Amara's 2nd birthday party next Sunday!

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