Tonight was THE FIRST TIME WE"VE EVER CARVED PUMPKINS WITH OUR KIDS!!!! I know, Alaric is 3 but it's true. Our schedules or whatever just never allowed it.
We carved four pumpkins! The kids were amazing by what was inside!

they both wanted to dig and scoop.

Everyone had a job.

Although Alaric loved the tool aspect of it all, it wasn't his deal- he just wanted to poke at it with his knife.

Amara on the other hand was GIDDY!

This was her firs tpumpkin...see the bow on the pumpkin's head, the eye lashes, and the tooth smile? What fun- look at that precious baby!
Amara looks just like Cindy Lou from "How the Grinch Stole Christmas!" I love her and Alaric!
Holidays are so much more fun with kids. I miss you guys!
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