Our Dear Friend, Heidi Eckhardt's mom died Thursday morning. She is from Galesburg so Sunday morning we headed to Galesburg for the Sunday night visitation and the Monday morning Funeral. It was very nice to be there for them. It was also nice to have Brian's parents watch the kids so we could support the Eckhardts child free.
We also got some extra time with the extended family.
Mara looking out Nana and Grandpa's window.

Grandpa and Mara playing on the floor.

After some batting practice, a few balls ended up in the gutters- after some creative ideas, Tyler got the ball down.

Alaric and Aunt Tammie watch Katie and Tyler hit balls from the outfield.

Nana, Great Gram, and Alaric make a fort out of blankets and chairs and read endless books.
Dear Katy,
How it is to see your kids playing in tents made of blankets. brings make so many fun memories.
Forgot fun
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