The Moms Group of Monticello that I am apart of have 8 Date Nights throughout the year. They provide free babysitting for your kids and you only have to volunteer once to be the babysitters! Bri and I chose the first Date Night to babysit so we now have one date night a month for the next 7 months.
This month we went and got tattoos! Yup! Bri already had Alaric's name above the matching tattoo we got before we got married so he just had Amara put on below his tattoo.

I didn't have either of the names yet so I had both put on above my tattoo.

It was fun and we loved doing something different but I forgot how much it hurts!
I would not knowingly choose pain for my date night, but hey, each to their own;)
Does the mom's group know this was date night???? Looks great....and painful!
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